Fife ADP has developed its three-year strategy in line with the national strategy, Rights Respect and Recovery. The strategy was developed by the ADP Team in partnership with people with lived experience, service providers, stakeholders and the ADP Chair and Committee members. An annual delivery plan is used to monitor progress against the strategic aims contained within the plan.
Each ADP is required to report to Scottish Government providing updates and assurance around ADP delivery. Fife ADP will publish our submissions here in line with good governance and transparency.
Our 2022 report provides an overview of drug-related death within Fife by examining trends and themes which may be used to influence strategic decision making. It does not replace any internal or external reports completed by any national or local partner organisations.
Fife ADP Drug Related Deaths Report 2022
This MAT Standards Implementation Plan has been produced to set out actions being taken in the Fife ADP Integration Authority. It is intended to ensure that services in the Integration Authority Area are meeting the standards and the respective criteria for each standard set out in the Drugs Deaths Taskforce Report published in May 2021.
Scotland’s strategy to improve health by preventing and reducing alcohol and drug use, harm and related deaths.
Rights, respect and recovery: alcohol and drug treatment strategy
Scotland Government’s updated framework setting out national prevention aims on alcohol related harms.
The Taskforce has been charged with helping to tackle Scotland’s unique challenge by identifying evidence-based strategies that will make a difference to those most at risk, and using its expertise, influence and networks to put these into practice.
Drug Deaths Taskforce Interim Report June 2021
The Taskforce is pursuing six areas of strategy which hold the most current promise for maximum impact which are:
The Drug and Alcohol Information System (DAISy) is a national database developed to collect drug and alcohol referral, waiting times and outcome information from staff delivering specialist drug and alcohol interventions.
The objectives of developing a single system are to enhance the quality and completeness of the data available on treatment for problematic drug and alcohol use while providing a more user friendly means of data entry required by staff working in ADPs and specialist treatment services.
DAISy gathers key demographic and outcome data on people who engage with drug/alcohol treatment services. It enables a better understanding of the impact of drug/alcohol treatment services at both a local and national level and consequently will: